Saturday, January 14, 2006


What's an unworthy to be trusted.
The blue locker was opened without key.
Everything's still endangerly fine.
But he'd targetted what's interesting.
The 6 cm radius plate in the blue box.
He searched for what's black recorded.
He found them, a lot of them.
He's glad and there he fulfil himself.
He put it back improperly in the box.
inappropriate way as easily to be known.
to be spotted as they were disturbed.
Later when everything seem to be normal.
The boy as the owner come back very late
Owner knew it and don't like it.
Owner regretted not to keep it safely.
now he'd been labelled as a supplier.
now then he keep it in safer spot.
at least for this after tracked moment.

11 Jan 2006

1 comment:

GreatGerard said...'s more to my fault. lorr...