I had been very busy until I can't even update my blog. So here's what happen in front of my eyes.
@I'd learned to make simple Pizza. It's indeed a very expensive food. Spaghetti is quite simpler lorrr.
@the one and only one who failed the applied mechanics test....35% HUAAAA. The lecturer displayed the whole class mark in a minute with a projector together with the IC's no. Damn, got one most disgusting boy really wanted to know who was the failer. He was asking who was that while he was just sitting right behind of me. He, even asked a copy of that result from the lecturer but of course he won't have it. Stupid.....me- shame on me....nahhh I promise this won't happen again.
@Virginionia still in coma. Hmmmm
@Stupid Civil Engineering Drawing course had made me gone crazy for another tonnes of works after another, I would be an architech if i manage to handle it.
@Next Thursday (2 March) is my mum Birthday together with Chelsea Amanda my cousin.
@had a new hair cut by Dee Aguindrew... Haha it's funny to get a birds nest hair. I'd let him to experimented and experienced on my hair. so that he'll get better next time. it's not bad but funny. So I put on my ear-ring to distract people from commenting my hair....It's work...hahaha
@I just applied my students Grads Card and already get my new matrix BSN card....after so long....
@I planned to get laptop and a 3G phone huh....by loan and hope to get that permission from my parents. See the loan is about RM5000 for 5 years and I'll get the both stuff in about 5 weeks.
ermm.... study....
haha...I was just posting on 1 of my many blogs that all my blogger buddies were slow to update their blogs and here you are explaining why...hehe...
oooooooh...new hair cut? how does it look? (picture picture...hehe)
Wah lau...new laptop AND new phone!
hmmm... just planning to have such expensive things...seem like dreaming instead of planning...hoho..
Picture aaaarrr later larrr... hahaha....
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